Summary of PingWest's "China Pings Silicon Valley" Event

We were honored to attend and cover PingWest's "China Pings Silicon Valley-Redefine Chinese Tech Startup Ecosystem" event tonight at the Rocket Space. Thomas Luo and his PingWest team put together a great agenda of Keynote speech, panel discussion, and demos. All this was centered on the Chinese tech startup ecosystem. We summarized the demo pitches below.

Orbeus, an advanced cloud-based image analysis platform, helps computers see like human. Orbeus has developed one of the most advanced computer visual recognition engine that enables computers to perform face detection/recognition, logo and products recognition, optical character recognition and scene understanding. 
 “World's Smallest Electric Vehicle”, spnKiX are fun & cool motorized skates that put wings on your feet. 
ACTON, INC. focuses on efficient personal mobility.  Our first offering is spnKiX; fun motorized skates that put wings on your feet.  These “Rocket Skates” are the world’s smallest electric vehicle. Our vision is to bring efficient mobility to people so that they feel the whole world is their home. 

A personalized and cutomized broadcasting tool that only plays what tou want.                                         
mPress is your own mobile site to showcase your best work on mobile media: build a stunning mobile presence with mPress.                                
Vjianke is a cloud service company that helps readers to solve the issue of overloaded internet information and enable prospect influencers on social media to build branded mobile channels to interact and share content with fans.
Kitchit is a culinary events startup that connects discerning diners directly with top professional chefs who create everything from everything from cooking classes and casual meals with friends, to pop-ups with up and coming chefs and lavish, intimate dinners with top culinary icons.


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