Game of Thrones Transmedia Style

How does Game of Thrones and Transmedia work? Transmedia Storytelling Ltd and Canal+ in Spain did a MMORPG game in parallel with the series Game of Thrones in Spain. They pulled all the stops on this using the series website, Sponsor in-store game codes and Social Media. We deep dive with Robert Pratten, CEO and co-founder of Transmedia Storytelling Ltd. on how their Conductrr product was the backbone of this transmedia MMORPG running along side the Game of Thrones series. Check out his interview below.

Transmedia = Awareness + Engagement

"We were invited to come up with some kind experiences where people will be engaged for 10-12 weeks while the show was on"

"Canal+ is a subscription channel...they wanted to give something back to reward those subscribers"

"Game of Thrones is about betrayal, capture territory and someone you love being killed off...we came up with the concept of 19 Thrones, Spain is divided into 19 what if your goal was to be King of Spain?...We created this Massively Multi-Player Role Playing Game all based on Twitter...You can use tweets to attack people, you can also betray them and seduce them"


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