Anime, Gaming, Biohacking and Surreal Film Making?

Adolfo Foronda was a featured guest on the great Play This! podcast over at TechHive with hosts Carlos Rondela @onawa and Jason Cross @jasoncross00 have a listen,

Have a listen:
Or, if you prefer, download the MP3 of this episode.

"What do you get when you cross a traditional Japanese RPG with the creators of classic animated movies like Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Howl's Moving Castle? You get Ni no Kuni, which is weird, jeuvenile, and wonderful. We talk about that, Metal Gear, UFC, and much more on this week's show. We're joined by Adolfo Foronda from Nerdstalker.
Links from this week's episode:
  • Why can't you download to own UFC matches? They're retnal only, typically.
  • Ni no Kuni is a polished, beautiful, but typical JRPG. But it has character design and animation from Studio Ghibli. If you stick with it past the slow beginning, it gets great.
  • Speaking of Studio Ghibli, almost none of their movies are available online. Discs only.
  • Take a look at the trailer for Michel Gondry's new film, Mood Inidgo. It's French. You won't mind. The awesome song in that trailer is Ho Hey by The Lumineers.
  • The short True Skin is worth watching. It'll only take you 6 minutes!
  • Carlos isn't really all that pleased with the demo for Metal Gear Rising. Too many invisible walls!
  • Adolfo highly recommends the "pounding rhythmic sonic assault" of Metz.
  • Amoeba Records' Vinyl Vaults lets you download digital copies of rare vinyl.
  • This is what happens when you hook a GoPro camera to the end of a trombone slide.
  • If you rode a skateboard in the 80s, you'll want to catch out the documentary Bones Brigade.
Got something you want us to talk about, check out, or a guest you want us to try to book? Send us mail at with the subject: Play This! podcast. Or, tweet at us @TechHive.
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